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How to Prevent Fleas & Ticks in Your Home – Our Top Tips

Serving Charlotte | Raleigh - Durham | Greensboro

If you have a flea or tick problem, what do you do? The best form of flea and tick control is to prevent them in the first place. This makes it important to know how to look for the signs of the pests, as well as how to check for them on your pets or in your home. Some of the common ways to get rid of an infestation include cleaning your home and taking your pets to the vet.

Keep reading for Bug Out’s advice on how to prevent fleas and ticks in your North Carolina home or business.

Person spraying bug spray on exposed legs

These pests are a nuisance, but they can be easily prevented if you take certain precautions. To prevent fleas & ticks, try these common tips:

1. Wear Protective Clothing

When you’re in areas with dense vegetation or tall grass, it’s vital to minimize exposed skin to reduce the risk of tick bites. Opt for long sleeves and pants, and consider tucking your pants into your socks for added protection.

2. Use Insect Repellent

For skin that remains exposed, apply an insect repellent containing at least 20% DEET. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and reapplication, especially during extended outdoor activities.

3. Maintain a Tidy Yard

Ticks and fleas seek shelter in overgrown vegetation. Regularly trim your lawn, prune bushes and shrubs, and eliminate debris like wood piles to discourage their presence in your yard.

4. Exercise Caution During Outdoor Activities

When hiking or walking in wooded areas, stay in the center of trails to avoid contact with ticks. Steer clear of walking through tall grass or thick underbrush where ticks are commonly found.

5. Prevent Wildlife from Entering Your Yard

Wild animals, including raccoons, deer, and foxes, can introduce fleas and ticks into your yard. Implement measures to deter these animals, such as securing trash bins and using fencing.

6. Wash Bedding Regularly

In case fleas do make their way indoors, frequently washing all bedding in hot water can help eliminate these pests.

7. Vacuum Thoroughly

Vacuum your home regularly, focusing on floors, upholstery, and any nooks where fleas could hide. Properly dispose of the vacuum bags afterward to ensure fleas and ticks are removed from your property.

8. Visit Your Veterinarian

Regular check-ups and flea control products are essential for keeping your pets flea-free. This not only benefits their health but also helps prevent fleas from entering your home.

Protection Against Fleas & Ticks in North Carolina

If you have fleas or ticks in your home, it can be very distressing for your entire family. This makes it important to learn how to prevent fleas & ticks in the first place. For help or advice on keeping these parasitic insects away, contact the experts at Bug Out today!


Prevent fleas and ticks by regularly grooming pets, using vet-approved flea/tick preventatives, keeping indoor and outdoor spaces clean, mowing lawns regularly, and minimizing contact with wooded or grassy areas where these pests thrive.

The best flea and tick prevention often includes monthly topical treatments, oral medications, or flea collars recommended by veterinarians. Consult with a vet to determine the most effective and safe option for your pet.

Natural remedies to repel fleas and ticks include essential oils like cedarwood, eucalyptus, and lavender, diatomaceous earth, apple cider vinegar sprays, and planting flea-repelling herbs like rosemary and lemongrass in your yard – though these may have limited success and won’t help to treat the problem if an infestation already exists.

By keeping outdoor areas well-maintained, implementing flea and tick prevention methods for pets, and seeking professional pest control services, you can minimize the risk of infestations and protect your home or business from these troublesome pests.

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How to Prevent Fleas & Ticks in Your Home – Our Top Tips Serving Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro, and Durham

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