The roach is a pest that often rears its head at night. You might see a few lurking around during the day, but you’ll usually see them crawling on cabinets or on the floor after the lights are off in the home if they are inside the house. There are a few ways that you can safeguard your home so that you don’t see these small pests that seem to make their homes in walls, under the refrigerator or behind counters.

Roaches like an environment that isn’t clean. Even if you think that your counters and floors are clean, you need to make sure that the food crumbs are cleaned off the counters, that trash is picked up and that there isn’t dirt lingering on the floor. Avoid leaving dirty dishes sitting out, and keep trash bags from piling up outside the home. Consider lining your drawers and cabinets with contact paper or mesh liners. If there are any holes that you can see, then seal them as soon as you can because roaches will use any opening possible to get into the home.

Roaches Be Gone

One of the reasons roaches enjoy getting inside homes is so that they have a water source. If there is a leak under the home or there is a leak under the sinks, then roaches will often detect it and enter the house. Repair any water leaks as soon as they are noticed. Get rid of any standing water inside or outside the home. Remove any containers outside the home that would hold an excess amount of water. If roaches don’t have a reason to go near the exterior of the home, they won’t have a reason to get inside, either. Roaches also look for a warm environment. Seal any areas near your heat sources to prevent the insects from getting inside the home.

Don’t leave food sitting out. Throw any unwanted food outside and away from the home immediately instead of letting it sit on a counter. Foods that are in opened boxes should be put in a plastic container or a sealed bag. Clean underneath the refrigerator and the stove regularly. These are areas that attract roaches because they are warm and dark. Once there is a nest and roaches start to multiply, it’s harder to get rid of them. Keep food crumbs away from these areas as well. Wet towels should be kept off the floor in the bathroom. Don’t keep boxes piled up in the home, especially cardboard boxes.

If you think that you have an issue with roaches, then contact Bug Out for a free quote. The company can use preventive measures to keep roaches away from your home and get rid of any that are present with products that are safe for the family and pets.

How to Safeguard Your Home From Roaches Serving Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro, Durham, and Virginia

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