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Actual Size: body length 3.5 – 4.5 feet (nose to tail tip); weight 15-50 lbs.

Characteristics: Slender; grayish-brown to yellowish-brown fur on top and whitish fur on its underparts. Golden-brown eyes and long, bushy tail.

Habitat: Found in fields, plains, and bushy areas, typically preferring open areas, such as the prairie and desert.


  • Monogamous, traveling in pairs.
  • Nocturnal but may also be active in the early morning and at sunset.
  • Carnivorous and 90% of their diet consists of mammals, mostly rabbits, mice, and ground squirrels.

Coyotes in North Carolina

Coyotes in North Carolina are often mistaken for small to medium-sized domestic dogs. Unlike wolves, they do not usually travel in packs and mate for life, creating family units. Primarily nocturnal, coyotes can be seen running with tails pointed downward and sometimes attaining a speed of 40 mph. Quick and agile hunters, they are also very vocal; vocalizations include barks, growls, yips, whines, and howls.

Coyote Habitat

Coyotes are well known for their ability to adapt to different habitats. Preferring grasslands, sagebrush habitats, and deserts, they can also be found in and around large cities. Coyotes are increasingly living in proximity to humans, and In urban areas prefer wooded patches and shrubbery, which provides shelter to hide from people. Other habitats include residential neighborhoods and green spaces such as parks, and golf courses.

Coyote Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Coyotes are normally elusive animals that avoid humans. They are usually only visible at a distance after dusk and before daylight. A few coyotes have, however, adapted to residential neighborhoods, parks, and open spaces, and seem to no longer be afraid of humans. Upon entering suburban habitats, they prey on rodents, rabbits, birds, house cats, and small dogs.
If you are having an issue with coyotes, it is best to consult a professional wildlife control company for removal.

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